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Bee The ChangePicture9

Your commitment to protecting our environment, economic resources, and recreational lands from noxious weeds does not need to come at the expense of bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Here, we have compiled information about our non-invasive flower blend as well as pollinator friendly weed control.

Bees are an essential part of our landscapes including farming and urban areas, yet many bee species are on the decline. Lincoln County Noxious Weed Board along with other County Weed Boards across the state are partnering up to inform the public about this matter and how they can get involved. Honeybees provide many benefits to the agricultural industry. Many of our food crops require the use of pollinators. Without pollination we lose the foods we love.

A few of the reasons believed to aid in this decline are:

  • Bee diseases or parasites
  • Pesticides, especially insecticides used in the wrong place at the wrong time
  • Loss of habitat and nutritious forage plants

Invasive species are considered to be beneficial to most bee keepers but they are not beneficial to our environment. They out compete our native plants and are more expensive to control. They take up water resources, reduce yields and some species are toxic to animals and human beings.

Although bees are attracted to some noxious weeds that have bright flowers like Dalmatian Toadflax, Diffuse and Spotted Knapweed, we really would like them to choose a better non-invasive flower. Our goal is to replace noxious weeds with quality non-invasive plants and flowers that bees and other pollinators such as butterflies need.

We can still BEE smart and control our weeds!

  • Avoid applying any pesticides including insecticides and fungicides during bloom when the bees are most attracted to the flowers.
  • When pesticide application cannot be avoided we suggest you use targeted formulations with the least toxic ingredient and follow manufactures directions, apply it directly and locally as possible and apply when bees are not active.
  • Plant desirable species that are attractive to bees.

This year we are offering a FREE pollinator seed packet to jump start your part on helping out the bees! These packets include a variety of beautiful, non-invasive garden plants that are much friendlier to our landscapes! This flower blend is a fantastic way to attract pollinators to gardens and other landscaped areas. Stop by the Weed Board office to get a non-invasive and pollinator friendly flower seed packet, while supplies last.

Seed Packet Contents:

Lupinus succulentus/harwegii (Annual Lupine)

Coreopsis lanceolata (Lance-Leaved Coreopsis)Picture3

Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower)

Helianthus annuus (Dwarf Sunspot Sunflower)

Lupinus perennis (Perennual Lupine)

Gaillardia aristata (Blanketflower)

Chamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge Pea)

Ratibida columnaris (Mexican Hat)

Cosmos bippinatus (Cosmos Sensations Mix)

Phacelia tanacetifolia (Lacy Phacelia)

Coreopsis tinctoria (Plain Coreopsis)

Penstemon strictus (Rockey Mountain Penstemon)

Monarda citridora (Lemon Mint)

Limnanthes douglassi (Poached Egg Meadowfoam)

Trifolium incarnatum (Crimson Clover)

Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Milkweed)

Salvia farinacea (Blue Sage)

Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamont/Bee Balm)


Little Work…Big Results!

There are some important factors that you need to consider when planting your Bee Feed mix.

You don’t need bare ground to plant the wild flower mix. You do need it to be noxious weed free. These flowers are broadleaf plants and most invasive weeds are broadleaf as well. So spraying them with a broadleaf herbicide will kill both your invasive and the flowers you just planted. You can set up a weed walk with one of our staff and find out what noxious weeds may be on your property.

Once you know where you want to start your pollinator habitat. The next step is to prepare the seed bed. You may see some bare ground or niches between the grasses you already have established. These niches are a great place to start. For small area site prep you can rake the ground and break up the top soil. For a larger area you can use a harrow or disk behind a tractor.

For your benefit we already did the hard work for you. We have beneficial pollinator seed mixes all ready for you to plant. There is no guessing or leg work to find out what the bees like best! These mixes have been carefully selected and will provide bloom from spring to fall with a mix of perennial and annual wildflowers. This means the bees always have a source of nectar.
When seeding you want to make sure you get an even coverage on the ground. This ensures that you will have a better chance of not letting invasive species in your pollinator habitat later on. Only buy noxious weed free seed from reputable seed distributors.

Unless we are experiencing a drought we do not usually need to water the seedbed. If the seeds germinate and there is no rainfall predicted it might be best to do some supplemental irrigation to ensure seedling survival.

After you have established a growing pollinator habitat you will need to do some maintenance on it. Such as, hand pulling weeds that are undesirable and mowing at the end of the growing season to help spread seed.

After a little work you will have a beautiful meadow or area that will be full of colorful non-native flowers and you will be doing your part in helping the bee colonies out in their survival.

To purchase a larger quantity, bee mix is available in various sizes at Rainier Seeds Inc. in Davenport, WA (509) 725-1235

Picture5A custom pollinator blend can also be formulated for you at Landmark Turf and Native Seed, in Airway Heights, WA (800) 268-0180


Richland, WA 99352


~Please remember to notify the Weed Board Office in any one of the following ways, your plan for control:

Call: 509-725-3646 leave a voicemail if after hours


Write: P.O. Box 241 Davenport, WA 99122

This list only represents those companies that have met the Weed Board requirements; there may be other sprayers. These sprayers are listed with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Lincoln County Noxious Weed Control Board is implied. This list does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of work performance or weed control methods.



~The use of residual herbicides is the best choice for fall treatment~

The cool crisp morning air is a signal to start thinking about your fall spray plan. It is an excellent and highly effective time to control most perennial and biennial weeds. Fall rains and cooler temperatures bring on a flush of re-growth and germinate a whole new batch of weed seedlings, thus providing good conditions for extending the herbicide application season.
For good control, its critical to target weeds at their most vulnerable stage, so it’s very important to make herbicide applications at the right time of year. The best time to control perennial broadleaf weeds is when they are actively growing in spring, and in the fall when the weeds are storing sugar back into the roots as a reserve for re-growth in the spring. Cooler weather and shorter days in the fall initiate this response. So when its bonfires and football season, start thinking about how you are going to control your noxious weeds.
When herbicides are applied at this time, the chemicals are transported to the roots along with the carbohydrates, killing the entire plant instead of just the parts above the soil surface. This is especially important for hard-to-kill and spreading broadleaf weeds like Canada thistle,
St. johnswort and Rush skeletonweed, which have underground creeping roots called rhizomes or extensive root zones.

If the timing of the application is correct, the plant will take in the herbicide. It will move through the plant, and you will have an effective application. Just like with early spring treatments, these lush young plants are relatively easy to control, which means the lower labeled rate of herbicide will get the job done on most species, which translates to more money in your wallet.

Residual herbicides control through the fall and into the following spring. Herbicides such as Milestone, Telar or Perspective, are slower acting, therefore will get to the roots and control the whole plant, and will provide pre-emergence control of germinating seeds, giving your pastures a head start come spring.

Be sure to spray several feet outside the perimeter of a weed patch, to get the plants that may be there that you cannot see yet, or seed banks waiting to germinate. This is where the residual control of Milestone, Telar, or Perspective, especially come into play. An advantage of Milestone is that it can be purchased without a pesticide license and can be applied to seasonably dry wetlands and up to the water’s edge.

Contact herbicides such as, Weedar 64 or Hardball, need to be applied to growing plant leaves in order to work. Over-spray onto the soil surface renders them useless. When applied to growing plant leaves, they are as effective as residual herbicides, except they do not have any residual activity in the soil to help control plants.

As always, be sure to use a surfactant.

Read and follow all directions on labels and use personal protective equipment.

When should fall applications be made?

  • Once fall moisture has stimulated a new flush of seedlings.
  • After a light frost, but before a heavy freeze.
  • The window of application closes after a killing frost.
  • Applications can be made up to late October or early November before soil freezes.

Get to the Roots

Tough to control perennials are more vulnerable in the young stage. As they prepare for dormancy, they transfer nutrients from their leaves to their root systems, helping move fall-applied herbicide deep into the roots for a more complete control. Delaying treatment until after the first frost, but before a hard freeze (visible leaf damage) – will help make the herbicide treatment more effective, keep working through spring, stopping new weed sprouts and giving forage grasses an extra advantage. Fall control helps ensure a speedy recovery and prepares grasses for winter. Plus, fall-treating weeds before they gain a foothold is more cost-effective.

There is a new Requirement for Boaters on Lake Roosevelt 

BEFORE YOU LAUNCH: You must complete the self certification form. Mussel Free Certificate

  • Answer the questions on the back of the form.
  • If your answers advise you to decontaminate your boat, you must do so before entering Lake Roosevelt!
  • If you’re ready to launch now, just complete the certification statement. 
  • Place the certificate in the windshield of your parked vehicle.


What are Noxious Freshwater Weeds?

Freshwater weeds are plants that are not native to Washington, are generally of limited distribution, and pose a serious threat to our state. Plants considered to be nonnative were not present in Washington prior to European settlement. Because nonnative plants have few controls in their new habitat, they spread rapidly, destroying native plant and animal habitat, damaging recreational opportunities, lowering property values, and clogging waterways. Some noxious weeds can even harm humans and animals. The sap of giant hogweed, a plant that grows in wet areas, can cause severe burns.

Nonnative aquatic plants have been introduced to Washington as ornamental plants (purple loosestrife, giant hogweed), as water garden plants (parrot feather milfoil), and as aquarium plants (Eurasian watermilfoil, Brazilian elodea, fanwort). They escaped into our waterbodies through floods, by people discarding aquarium plants, and by being deliberately planted. Once introduced, these invasive plants rapidly outcompete our native plants, forming single-species stands, and reducing habitat for fish, waterfowl, and aquatic mammals and invertebrates.Mussel Free Certificate

Many of these exotic weeds are on Washington’s Weed List and the Washington Department of Agriculture prohibits some of these plants for sale, transport, or transplantation. However, not all introduced plants become problems. Many of our agricultural crops and landscaping plants are nonnative. Most do not grow where they are not planted, and do not become invasive or aggressive.

Washington’s Noxious Weed Control Board classifies noxious weeds based on the stage of invasion of each species. The classification system is designed to prevent small infestations from becoming large infestations, and to contain already established infestations to regions of the state where they occur and prevent their movement to un-infested areas of Washington. All weeds on Washington’s Weed List are nonnative species.

To learn more, click on the links below:








~ Home buyers and prospective landowners should know if there is a
noxious weed problem before they buy Real Estate. ~

Landowners are responsible for controlling noxious
weeds on their property, per RCW 17.10.

Noxious weeds are non-native plants introduced into
this area through human action. Because of their aggressive
growth and lack of natural enemies, these species
can be highly destructive, competitive, or difficult to control
by cultural or chemical practices.

Noxious weeds can reduce crop yields, destroy native
plant and animal habitat, damage recreational opportunities,
clog waterways, decrease property value, poison
humans and livestock, and create fire hazards.

Control means to prevent all seed production in noxious
weeds, and to prevent the dispersal of plant structures
which propagate and spread noxious weeds.

A landowner may control noxious weeds by chemical
(spraying herbicides); biological (releasing insects); mechanical
(tillage, pulling and mowing); and cultural
means (planting desirable vegetation, fertilization, over seeding,
and using goats or livestock).

If a landowner fails to control noxious weeds, the county
may take steps to control the weeds and then charge the
landowner for the cost, plus a $500 penalty. If that is not
paid, the county will place a lien on the property.

* There are 31 noxious weeds found in Lincoln County.

* In the state of Washington, the presence of noxious
weeds on residential property is considered a property
defect and must be disclosed.

Home buyers and prospective landowners should contact the Lincoln County Noxious Weed Control Board to:

Review the history of noxious weeds found on a parcel of land
in previous seasons. The Weed Board maintains files on problem parcels, especially if a Notice of Violation has been sent.

Weather permitting, take a Weed Walk with one of the Weed
Board staff on the property you plan to purchase. Noxious
weeds will be identified, and options for effective control will
be discussed. Hopefully, the home buyer or prospective
landowner will learn the extent of weed-control obligations
involved in the real estate purchase.

If noxious weeds are found on the property, Weed Board staff
will suggest an integrated approach for effective control that
may include spraying herbicides on some areas, releasing
biocontrols on others, as well as cultivating and over-seeding
areas of infestation. There is more than one way to skin a
cat, and there often are many effective options for noxious
weed control.

The Lincoln County Noxious Weed Control Board will:

*Provide landowners with information and assistance to achieve
high rates of weed control and voluntary compliance with state
*Survey and map noxious weeds countywide to identify the
extent of the noxious weed problem, and to detect weeds at an
earlier and more-preventive stage.
*Provide educational services to the public through
publications, exhibits and presentations to schools and civic
*Conduct research on the best methods for weed control and
eradication in Lincoln County.

Real Life Stories – It pays to do the research first!

A Dream Home by Coulee Dam ~
A young couple planned to build their “dream home” on a
parcel overlooking Lake Roosevelt and Coulee
Dam. They made a $10,000 down-payment
in the fall with a large balloon payment
planned for the following spring.

They started to draw up construction plans
for the dream home when they were contacted
by the noxious weed board. There were noxious weeds on the property,
and spraying herbicides would cost them $3,000.

Even though there was no residence yet on the property, the buyer said the
seller and realtor should have disclosed the presence of noxious weeds.
The buyer claimed there was fraud, and then defaulted on the balloon payment.
The weed board was willing to consider several options for control
besides spraying, but the buyer was adamant the seller should pay.
Ultimately, the buyer lost the property and their down-payment, and never
built their dream home near Coulee Dam. Had they done the proper research,
there may have been a different outcome.

A Horse Farm by Carp Lake ~
A retired couple from California dreamed of a horse farm in rural Lincoln County. They found 20 acres near Carp Lake that had beautiful meadows surrounded by pine trees. In walking through the lush green meadows, they found a plant they were not familiar with. It looked like the pretty plants on the front cover of this brochure.

They contacted the Weed Board and took a Weed Walk to determine if
they had noxious weeds on the property. Apparently, the pretty plants were Leafy Spurge, a noxious weed that is poisonous to all livestock except sheep and goats. When they were told that the white sap inside Leafy Spurge can cause hives and a rash if it comes into contact with a persons skin, they realized that pulling the weeds is risky and not effective control. The white sap can also cause blindness if it comes into contact with a persons eye. Effective biocontrol’s for Leafy Spurge in Lincoln County have not yet been found, although some exist in Montana and other places. Spraying herbicides and grazing goats are about the only effective controls locally.

The couple decided to buy property elsewhere since they dreamed of a horse farm, not a goat ranch.

Noxious Weeds for Home Buyers Brochure

Some plants are Toxic to Horses & Livestock:


This link is a guide to Plants Poisonous to Horses and Livestock commonly found in Lincoln County, Washington.

The above is a guide of several plants that can be found growing in Lincoln County that are poisonous to horses and livestock. To protect your animals from poisoning, learn to identify the poisonous plants that grow in your pasture or rangeland.

Prevention is the best medicine. Ensure that your horses and livestock have adequate hay and/or healthy pasture to graze. Provide adequate water and avoid overgrazing.

Most poisonous plants have an unpleasant taste that animals avoid if they have anything else to eat. However, if they have no choice but to eat these plants, they might develop a taste for them. Herbicides are derivatives of salts, and they often increase the palatability of plants, along with its sugar content. Be cautious when grazing animals after herbicide applications. Avoid grazing treated areas until plants have dried. You should wait until plants are dead before introducing animals to the site.

Watch for unusual behavior in your animals. If you suspect a poisoning, consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. Be sure to collect samples of the plants you suspect caused the poisoning for positive identification.

The symptoms listed in the following pages are those that are most likely to be observed. However, not all symptoms will be seen in all cases. Signs of poisoning may vary greatly, depending on the dosage and the time taken to consume the dose. Also, individual animals respond differently to poison.

View the flow of procedure when a noxious weed is found  FLOWCHART

Landowners should know this:

Landowners are responsible for controlling noxious weeds on their property, per RCW 17.10.

Noxious weeds” are non-native plants introduced into this area through human action. Because of their aggressive growth and lack of natural enemies, these species can be highly destructive, competitive, or difficult to control by cultural or chemical practices.

Noxious weeds can reduce crop yields, destroy native plant and animal habitat, damage recreational opportunities, clog waterways, decrease property value, poison humans and livestock, and create fire hazards.

“Control” means to prevent all seed production in noxious weeds, and to prevent the dispersal of plant structures which propagate and spread noxious weeds.

A landowner may control noxious weeds by chemical (spraying herbicides); biological (releasing insects); mechanical (tillage, pulling and mowing); and cultural means (planting desirable vegetation, fertilization, overseeding, and using goats or livestock).

If a landowner fails to control noxious weeds, the county may take steps to control the weeds and then charge the landowner for the cost, plus a $500 penalty. If that is not paid, the county will place a lien on the property.

There are 31 noxious weeds found in Lincoln County.

In the state of Washington, the presence of noxious weeds on residential property is considered a property defect and must be disclosed. The parties may want to negotiate the cost of controlling noxious weeds.



The weed board uses an impartial and consistent program. Each owner is required to perform, or cause to be performed; such acts as may be necessary to control and to prevent the spread of noxious weeds on or from his/her land. Penalties for violation are defined by state weed law RCW 17.10 and Chapter 16-750 WAC.

The weed board designates the weed coordinator as enforcement officer pursuant Chapter 7.80 RCW.

The weed board delegates to the weed coordinator the authority to

  1. establish control agreements with owners to ensure compliance;
  2. recommend quarantines to the State Noxious Weed Control Board;
  3. issue Notices of Violation, Notices of Civil Infraction and Criminal Infraction; obtain Search Warrants;
  4. perform or instruct field technician(s) to perform actual control work of noxious weeds for enforcement of RCW 17.10.
  5. The weed board establishes costs for enforcement actions as follows:

There will be an initial enforcement fee of $500.00, plus the cost of actual control work performed, cost of process service and/or postage, cost of providing all enforcement-related notices, cost of travel to site for continued inspections, cost of staff time including preparation of all documentation/photographs/evidence, etc., and any other costs related to the enforcement.

HEARING ON LIABILITY FOR COST OF CONTROL MEASURES. Any owner who has received notice of liability on any cost for control measures undertaken pursuant to RCW 17.10.170 or 17.10.210 shall have the right to request a hearing before the weed board. Such request shall be in writing and presented to the Noxious Weed Control Board within 45 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of liability, as demonstrated by an affidavit of mailing or service, for the charges or costs.

INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR REQUESTING A HEARING. Any request for a hearing must be in writing and include the following:

  1. name, telephone number and mailing address of person requesting hearing.
  2. address and parcel number of property involved and the name and address of property owner if different from person requesting hearing.
  3. a statement of the reason for the request for hearing, including a description of any error of the Noxious Weed Control Board, any rules, regulations, or statutes the hearing request is based upon, and the specific relief that is being requested.

NOTIFICATION OF WEED BOARD HEARING. At least 10 days prior to the hearing, notice of hearing shall be given to the person who has made a request for such a hearing. Such notice shall:

  1. be in writing
  2. state the date, time and location of the hearing
  3. contain a statement that failure to attend or participate in the hearing may result in the issuance of an order of default;
  4. be served upon the person in person or by sending the notice by registered or certified mail to his/her last known address or by any other method authorized or required by the laws of the State of Washington. Service by mail shall be regarded as complete upon deposit in the U.S. mail, properly stamped and addressed, and
  5. at the weed boards discretion, state that materials may be submitted by the parties in advance of the hearing. The notice shall state the number of copies of any such material which must be submitted and the date by which the materials must be submitted to the weed board and all other parties to the hearing.

HEARING PROCEDURE. Weed board hearings shall be open to the public observation. Each hearing is to last no longer than 30 minutes in length. Such hearings shall be recorded. The hearing shall be opened with a statement of the time, date and place of the hearing; and a statement of the purpose of the hearing. The Noxious Weed Control Board coordinator and/or field technician shall present its case, and then the property owner shall present his or her case. The weed board may question either party. The weed board shall allow both parties the opportunity to present witnesses, cross-examine witnesses and present a closing statement or summation. Evidence, exhibits, affidavits, documents and testimony shall be taken in the presence of all parties recorded as present and shall be given only such weight as is deemed proper after consideration of any objections made to their admission. Evidence, including hearsay, is admissible if, in the judgment of the weed board, it is the kind of evidence that reasonable persons are accustomed to rely on in the conduct of their affairs. The weed board may exclude evidence that is irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious. Hearings may be continued to allow additional evidence or testimony to be submitted.

THE WRITTEN DECISION OF THE WEED BOARD shall be served upon the person to whom the notice of administrative hearing was given in the manner set fourth in previous section.

The weed board files liens on an owners property as authorized pursuant to RCW Chapter 17.10, within 90-days of work cessation, if full payment of billing has not been received.

By resolution 8615, the Board of Lincoln County Commissioners has required that all liens on real property be collected by the County Treasurer in the same manner as delinquent real property tax.


Following expiration of the Notice of Violation, the Coordinator may issue a civil infraction. The non-traffic infraction shall be completed with:

  1. The full name of the owner of the land, his/her current residential address, date of birth, date of the violation, site of the infraction and the parcel numbers including the abbreviated legal description.
  2. The penalty of the violation pursuant to the Noxious Weed Civil Infraction Schedule (WAC 16-750-020)
  3. The officers report (attached to the ticket) establishing the specific violation at the specific location on the violation date.
  4. State the designation of the weed and the requirement to control in Lincoln County.
  5. Establish the owners knowledge of the infestation (e.g. contacts with the person cited, correspondence, and proof of receipt of the Notice of Violation).
  6. Cite the failure to control (cite what was ordered in Notice of Violation, the deadline in the Notice of Violation, and the size and severity of infestation observed at the location cited on the violation date).
  7. The date in the officers report is the date of inspection.
  8. Copies of the ticket must be accounted for in accordance with the Sheriffs department procedures.
  9. The Notice of Civil Infraction is delivered by the enforcement officer to District Court who then processes and sends it to the person cited.

RULES AND REGULATIONS for the Lincoln County Noxious Weed Control



Washington Wilderness Hay & Mulch Certificate Program:

~If you are a producer of hay, straw, or other mulching crop product and are interested in participating in the WWHAM program contact us at 509-725-3646 to schedule an inspection.

*Please make sure that you will be harvesting the crop within 7 to 10 day following inspection.

Lincoln County Noxious Weed Control Board’s Coordinator is NAWMA/NAISMA Certified to inspect Hay and Straw fields.

A Certified Inspector will survey your field (s) for all 54 NAWMA listed weed species and the current Washington State Noxious Weed Control List.

Click on link below to learn everything there is to know about the certified weed free Hay and Mulch program…

Washington Wilderness Hay and Mulch Brochure



There are two ways to distinguish certified WWHAM or NAWMA hay and straw bales. A self-adhesive, tamper-proof WWHAM certification tag attached to the bale twine or it will have at least one strand of purple and yellow proprietary twine. For best assurance that you are purchasing a WWHAM product, contact us for a list of WWHAM producers and sellers.

 Preserving the Natural Environment of Lincoln County ~

If we all work together, we can preserve the natural beauty and environment of Lincoln County. Intelligently spraying herbicides, over-seeding with native grasses which need little moisture and care in undeveloped areas, and releasing biocontrols in other areas, will go a long way toward improving the quality of our environment. Help preserve our natural environment so that it can be enjoyed and treasured by our children and grandchildren.

OUR MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the weed board is to educate landowners to be responsible stewards of the land and resources, to make Lincoln County a better place to live by protecting and preserving all lands and natural resources of the County from the degrading impact of invasive noxious weeds; and to provide quality, timely, and responsive service to the residents of Lincoln County.

Did you know?

Landowners are responsible for controlling noxious weeds on their property, per RCW 17.10.

“Noxious weeds” are non-native plants introduced into this area through human action.
Because of their aggressive growth and lack of natural enemies, these species can be highly
destructive, competitive, or difficult to control by cultural or chemical practices.

Noxious weeds can reduce crop yields, destroy native plant and animal habitat, damage recreational
opportunities, clog waterways, decrease property value, poison humans and livestock,and create fire hazards.

“Control” means to prevent all seed production in noxious weeds, and to prevent the dispersal of plant structures which propagate and spread noxious weeds.

A landowner may control noxious weeds by chemical (spraying herbicides); biological (releasing insects); mechanical (tillage, pulling and mowing); and cultural means (planting desirable vegetation, fertilization, overseeding, and using goats or livestock).

• If a landowner fails to control noxious weeds, the county may take steps to control the weeds and then charge the landowner for the cost, plus a $500 penalty. If that is not paid, the county will place a lien on the property.
• There are 31 noxious weeds found in Lincoln County.

• In the state of Washington, the presence of noxious weeds on residential property is considered a property defect and must be disclosed. The parties may want to negotiate the cost of controlling noxious weeds.


The Lincoln County Noxious Weed Control Board will be performing routine surveys for noxious weed infestations in accordance with the Washington State Noxious Weed Law – RCW 17.10 throughout Lincoln County. Field staff will not drive off of any access roads that lead onto or through landowner properties, access onto properties will be performed with the utmost respect and they will not damage any property while gaining access. If they can’t adequately survey the entire property from the vehicle they will travel on foot to those areas.


There is a Board Member position opening for District #1, which includes the southwest portion of the county. It is bound on the north by the Township 24N; on the west by the Grant County lines; on the east by Range 36E; on the south by Adams County lines. This is a non-paid position, with a 4-year term of office. Interested persons residing in this district must make a written application that includes the signatures of at least ten registered voters residing in their same district supporting their nomination to the board.  If interested call the Weed Board office at 725-3646 to receive an application.


Coordinator: Kevin Hupp

Program Assistant: Kris Hubbard

Field Technician: Gina Habbestad

Program Specialist: Farren Young

Lincoln County Noxious Weed Control Board, PO Box 241 Davenport, WA 99122

Located at 405 Ross St. in Davenport

509-725-3646  Office   509-725-1332  Fax