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Preserving the Natural Environment of Lincoln County ~

If we all work to­geth­er, we can pre­serve the nat­u­ral beau­ty and en­vi­ron­ment of Lincoln County. Intelligently spray­ing her­bi­cides, over-seeding with na­tive grass­es which need lit­tle mois­ture and care in un­de­vel­oped ar­eas, and re­leas­ing bio­con­trols in oth­er ar­eas, will go a long way to­ward im­prov­ing the qual­i­ty of our en­vi­ron­ment. Help pre­serve our nat­u­ral en­vi­ron­ment so that it can be en­joyed and trea­sured by our chil­dren and grand­chil­dren.

By institution and authority of the Board of Lincoln County Commissioners, the Lincoln County Noxious Weed Control Board was activated to carry out the mandates of the state weed control law, Chapter 17.10 RCW.

OUR MISSION STATEMENT: The mis­sion of the weed board is to ed­u­cate landown­ers to be re­spon­si­ble stew­ards of the land and re­sources, to make Lincoln County a bet­ter place to live by pro­tect­ing and pre­serv­ing all lands and nat­u­ral re­sources of the County from the de­grad­ing im­pact of in­va­sive nox­ious weeds; and to provide qual­i­ty, time­ly, and re­spon­sive ser­vice to the res­i­dents of Lincoln County.