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Lincoln County Building & Land Services

Our office is now open.  With only one Planner and one Building Official for all of Lincoln County, we encourage you to call/email/text before driving in to confirm we will be here or set up an appointment, thank you.

Planning & Building Applications


Cell/text: 509-721-0539



Cell/text: 509-348-0130

Our website has information and forms that can be sent via email for most all needs and concerns.

Welcome to Lincoln County Land Services. We hope this web site will be of benefit to you and provide the needed information to help with your development requirements. Land Services responsibilities include; land divisions, zoning, addressing, forestry, building permits, building plan reviews and inspections. We also provide a large selection of County maps and data, including the popular E911 road atlas. We aim to provide prompt, courteous and professional services in all aspects of your land use needs. Please contact the divisions listed below or click on the individual link that best serves your needs. For questions on all land use related issues and mapping, please contact Lincoln County Land Services.

Planning Division

The Planning Division implements the Comprehensive Plan and related land use development codes. This division receives and reviews applications pursuant to “Title 16 – Land Divisions” including; short plats, regular subdivisions, division of large rural lots, boundary line adjustments, binding site plans and related land use issues.  “Title 17 – Zoning” issues including; density standards, zoning districts, permitted uses, conditional uses and variances are planning responsibilities. The Planning Commission is also staffed by the division. E911 physical addresses are assigned here, in conjunction with the GIS Division. Certain forest practices are reviewed by this division, along with watershed and water resource planning. GMA “Critical Areas and Resource Lands” along with the Shoreline Management Act activities and projects and associated requirements are also reviewed for compliance by our planning services. The Planning Division can help you with your land use development plans and might be able to make life a bit easier.

Building Division

The Building Division is responsible for receiving, reviewing, examining building plans and the issuing of building permits along with the required building inspections. This division also ensures compliance with the Washington State Fire Code.

GIS Data and Maps Division

We are continually building and improving spatial databases to store information.  It has been estimated that 80% of all information has a spatial component so we are utilizing a Geographic Information System (GIS) to store it.  Our goal is to make government function more efficiently and effectively by keeping the information necessary for good decisions readily accessible.  These databases facilitate the rapid production of current maps that are easily updated.  Project specific maps will be used to help communicate many details of things happening in Lincoln County.