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Solid Waste

Solid Waste

Monitor and issue permits for solid waste sites. Additionally, we investigate improper solid waste disposal complaints.

The management of waste is primarily overseen by the Lincoln County Solid Waste and Recycling Department (SWRD). The Lincoln County Health Department (LCHD) environmental health team collaborates closely with SWRD to ensure that solid waste does not pose health risks to our community. Our efforts focus on developing and implementing comprehensive plans for the safe storage, collection, transportation, and final disposal of solid and/or hazardous waste. We also monitor compliance with the minimum functional standards for solid waste facilities as outlined in RCW 70.95 and WAC 173-304. We additionally respond to and investigate complaints of improper solid/hazardous waste storage or disposal.

If you have a concern about solid waste issues, please contact LCHD environmental health by phone.

  • “Solid waste” means all putrescible and non-putrescible solid and semisolid wastes including, but not limited to garbage, rubbish, commercial waste, discarded commodities and recyclable materials.
  • The Lincoln County Health Department currently permits municipal solid waste facilities. We permit for the transfer station, moderate risk waste (at the transfer station), and composting facilities.
  • Please contact us for permitting.

What is considered Hazardous Household Waste?

  • Many Consumer products contain toxic chemicals that make them hazardous. These products need to be handled properly to prevent them from entering the environment or harming the health of your family. Some of these products include:
    • Home repair — Adhesives, oil-based paint, thinner, epoxy, paint stripper
    • Cleaners — Oven cleaners, deck cleaners, degreasers, toilet cleaners
    • Pesticides and fertilizers — Wood preservatives, mole killer, herbicides, pesticides
    • Auto and boat equipment — Batteries, paint, gasoline, oil, antifreeze, solvents
    • Hobbies and recreation — Pool chemicals, glaze, paint, white gas
    • Miscellaneous — Ammunition, fireworks, asbestos
    • Other hazardous materials include common products such as cathode ray tubes in computer monitors and televisions, fluorescent bulbs, thermostats, and some pharmaceuticals.

Where should I dispose of Hazardous Household Waste?

  • You should dispose of Hazardous Household Waste at the Lincoln County Transfer Station.
    • The Lincoln County Transfer Station is located 3.5 miles West of Davenport on state Route 2.
    • Phone: 509-725-0122
    • 34735 SR 2 EastDavenport, WA.