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Lincoln County Hazard Plan

The purpose of the Lincoln County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan (MHMP) is to reduce the impact of hazards such as floods, landslides, severe weather, wildfire, and drought, on Lincoln County residents, landowners, businesses, communities, local governments, and state and federal agencies while maintaining appropriate emergency response capabilities and sustainable natural resource management policies.  The MHMP identifies high risk areas as well as structures and infrastructure that may have an increased potential for loss due to a hazard event.  The document also recommends specific projects that may help prevent disasters from occurring altogether or, at the least, lessen their impact on residents and property.  The MHMP is being developed by a committee of city and county elected officials and departments, local and state emergency response representatives, land managers, highway district representatives, and others.

The Lincoln County MHMP includes risk analysis at the community level with predictive models for where disasters are likely to occur.  This plan will continue to enable Lincoln County and its communities to be eligible for grant dollars to implement the projects and mitigation actions identified by the committee.  Although not regulatory, the MHMP will provide valuable information as we plan for the future.

For more information on the Lincoln County MHMP update process, contact the Lincoln County Sheriff/Emergency Manager, at 509-725-9264.