Preserving the Natural Environment of Lincoln County ~
If we all work together, we can preserve the natural beauty and environment of Lincoln County. Intelligently spraying herbicides, over-seeding with native grasses which need little moisture and care in undeveloped areas, and releasing biocontrols in other areas, will go a long way toward improving the quality of our environment. Help preserve our natural environment so that it can be enjoyed and treasured by our children and grandchildren.
By institution and authority of the Board of Lincoln County Commissioners, the Lincoln County Noxious Weed Control Board was activated to carry out the mandates of the state weed control law, Chapter 17.10 RCW.
OUR MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the weed board is to educate landowners to be responsible stewards of the land and resources, to make Lincoln County a better place to live by protecting and preserving all lands and natural resources of the County from the degrading impact of invasive noxious weeds; and to provide quality, timely, and responsive service to the residents of Lincoln County.