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Community Safety

Community Safety

Keeping the environment in which, we work and play safe is part of our work in helping keep the community healthy. Whether it’s reviewing plans, conducting inspections, or investigating concerns, we work to keep the harmony between the community members and the place we call home.

The environmental health team regularly inspects all public swimming pools and spas in Lincoln County. We look at both the water quality and injury prevention through water chemistry testing, pool markers, and access measures, such as gates. While we do not inspect private pools, we are happy to provide technical assistance to owners for water quality and safety.

According to the EPA, while Radon is a naturally occurring gas, it is radioactive and thus responsible for thousands of cases of lung cancer each year. The risk for indoor radon pollution is classified into three zones. Zone 1 has the highest chance of pollution; Zone 2 has a moderate chance; and Zone 3 has the lowest chance of pollution. Testing of Lincoln County places us in a Zone 2, or our community is at moderate risk of reaching the toxic level of 4pCi/L (picocuries per liter). As radon is undetectable—you cannot see or smell it—every home should be tested to ensure your home is safe. For homeowners who need to conduct testing, we are happy to help with testing services and home mitigation techniques. You can read more about radon poisoning and pollution on the WA DOH Radon Safety page.

Despite spending 90% of our time indoors, most people don’t consider the quality of the air inside their home. Things like mold, smoke, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide levels, and even bacteria, affect the quality of the air. If you have a concern about the air quality in your home or place of business, the environmental health team can provide technical assistance and will investigate complaints.