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Lincoln County Land Services

27234 State Route 25 N    Davenport , WA   99122

Fax:  509 725-4467

Cell:  509-348-0130 (ok to text)

Building & Planning Applications


CUP-02-24 Cordelio Development Met Towers July 22 @ 1:30 PM SEPA record number 202402895, “Hawk Creek Wind Study”. CUP02-24Zoom
CUP-03-24 Cordelio Development Met Towers July 22 @ 1:30 PM SEPA record number 202402896, “Lincoln SW Wind Study” CUP03-24Zoom

Title 17 Zoning Code Update

Lincoln County is proposing changes to Title 17 Zoning to include provisions for wind and solar energy facilities and renumbering the existing code for clarity.  These changes do not outright permit these facilities in any zones.

An appointment is highly recommended.

*The official newspaper of record for public notices is currently the Record-Times.  All legal notices for Lincoln County will be published there.  The notice MAY also be published in other local newspapers.  Please send us an E-Mail if you would like to be placed on a list to receive occasional updates and announcements via email.

Code of the West: Some things you should know about living in the country. 

  •  Surveying: Survey Index, Signature Blocks, Checklist, Guidelines, Monuments, etc.
  • Title 8.4 Addressing: Address Request Form, County Road Name Request Form, Private Drive Name Request Form, Road Index, Suggestions for Road Names, etc.
  • Title 16 – Land Divisions:  Law, Binding Site Plan Application, Boundary Line Adjustment Application, Short Plat Application, Subdivision Application, Large Lot Division Application, Land Use Fees, Signature Blocks, etc.
  •  Title 17 Zoning:  Law (including detailed descriptions), Rezone Application, Conditional Use Application (SEPA Checklist), Variance Application, Maps, etc.
  • Title 18 Environmental: Critical Areas Ordinance, SEPA, Shoreline Management Master Program, Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, Outdoor Burning Information, JARPA, etc.

Chair: Sue Lani Madsen

Vice Chair: James Johnson


  • Keith Nelson
  • Margie Hall
  • Mark Sheffels

Regular meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month at 10:00 AM at the Lincoln County Public Works Building:

27234 SR 25 N Davenport, WA 99122

Please call or email to confirm the meeting.  Meetings may be canceled due to lack of agenda items.

October 14, 2024 Agenda

Topic: Lincoln County Planning Commission
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Passcode: 796692

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Meeting ID: 870 3373 6880
Passcode: 796692

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Reading and understanding legal descriptions may be difficult for many people.

A licensed surveyor may also be useful in assisting you with reading and writing legal descriptions.  We encourage you to contact a surveyor.

List of commonly used surveyors in Lincoln County

If you have found a surveyors marker (brass cap, aluminum tag, etc), you may find the Land Surveyor’s (LS #) license number.  To look up this number and find out more about this surveyor, visit the WA Dept. of Licensing website (click here). WA Dept. of Licensing website (click here).

If you are a surveyor subdividing property in Lincoln County, you will need the appropriate signature blocks on your plats.

Survey Monuments Database at the Washington State Department of Transportation.

Survey records from the US BLM are available at


2016 Land Use Fees

(adopted November 2nd 2015)

Land Division
   Preliminary $1,000 + $20/lot
   Final $500 + $20/lot
Short Plats $550 + $20/lot
Large Lot Review $450 + $20/lot
Boundary Line Adjustment $200.00
Binding Site Plan $750.00
   BSP Amendment $350 + $20/new lot
Qualified Exemption $200.00
Plat Amendments $500.00
Rezone $1,000.00
Conditional Use $750.00
Variance $750.00
Substantial Development Permit $750.00
Exemption/Site Analysis $50.00 + $50 for a site visit if needed
Conditional Use $750.00
Variance $750.00
Critical Areas Permit $300.00
Reasonable Use Exception $300.00
SEPA $200.00
Comprehensive Plan
Comp Plan Amendment $1,000.00
Forest Practices
Single family lifting of moratorium $350.00
Development Conversion w/SEPA $750.00
Appeal of Administrative Decision $1,000.00
Applicant is responsible for the cost of all associated publications, mailing or other means of notification when applicable.


Engineering review costs will be billed to applicant at actual cost.


Title 8 – Chapter 8.40 E911 Addressing

How does the addressing system work in Lincoln County?

Addresses in Lincoln County are based on a one square mile grid (section grid). All addresses begin at 0 in the southwest corner of the county.  For each mile there are 1000 addresses (500 odd/500 even) and their direction is either North or East.  Example: 27234 State Route 25 N.  The road is State Route 25 and this segment runs generally North/South.  Furthermore, it is a little more than 27 miles north of the southern county line. (If it was an E/W road it would be so many miles East of the western county line.)  As you are heading in the direction of the road (North or East in the county) odd numbers are on the left side and even numbers are on the right.  Please contact Lincoln County Planning (725-7911, if you are unsure of your address.

Cities and towns in Lincoln County are NOT addressed in this same manner.  Their addresses begin at a point of their choosing and may go north, south, east, and west.  Contact the city for addresses in their jurisdiction.  The Seven Bays area is the one exception within county jurisdiction.  Their addresses are based on Plat #, Block #, Lot #, and do not have a north or east directional.  Edwall falls under county jurisdiction and standard county addressing applies.

County addresses are formatted as House number, street, type (Rd), post-directional.  City addresses are house number, pre-directional, street, type.  Only county roads are typed as RD (road).  Other types apply to city streets and named private roads.

Your address must be posted within 30 days of habitation such that it is clearly visible from the main road.  The sign must have Arabic numerals at least 3 inches tall on a contrasting background.  We recommend purchasing a quality metal sign with reflective lettering for easy viewing at night and durability.  White letters on a blue background are preferable.

How do I go about naming a private road?

  1. You must fill out a private drive name request form.
  2. Choose a name significantly different from current names  found in the Master Street Address Guide for Lincoln County.
  3. Submit your request to the Planning Department.

When choosing a road name to request for your road, keep in mind that we cannot duplicate a road name.  Changing the suffix does not solve this.  Ponderosa Pt is too close to Ponderosa Cir for instance.  Also note that the suffix Rd is reserved for County roads only.  Remember to think about what the next person buying property on the lane will think of the name you have chosen.

The GIS department provides Detailed Maps via this website.

Division of Large Rural Lots of 20 to 40 acres have just a few regulations.   Creating lots under 20 acres requires a platting process.  Up to 4 lots are allowed under the short-subdivision rules.  Creating more than 4 lots falls under the long-subdivision rules.  You should speak to the County Planner (725-7911) about subdividing property.  Back taxes may be due if the property is being converted from a forest or open space tax designation.  Speak to the Assessor’s office regarding all tax questions.  A moratorium on non-conversion of forest ground may apply if timber has been harvested within the last 6 years on the parcel.

This language needs to be on all plats.

“Lincoln County has no responsibility to build, maintain, improve or otherwise serve the private roads within this subdivision of land. By approving this plat or subsequently by allowing building permits to be issued for property on a private road, Lincoln County assumes no obligations for said road(s). The lot owner(s) acknowledge that Lincoln County has no obligation of any kind to establish, examine, survey, construct, alter, repair, improve, maintain or provide drainage or snow removal for the private road(s). Should the private roadway(s) be petitioned for establishment as a County road, the lot owners shall be required to bear the expense to upgrade the road to prevailing County road standards and that Lincoln County is hereby granted the right of ingress and egress to all private roads within or serving this plat.”

Title 16 – Land Divisions

Binding Site Plan Application

Boundary Line Adjustment Application

Large Lot Division Application

Short Plat Application

Subdivision Application

Exemption Request